The Tenets of our Faith

  • We believe that there exists in our universe a "Universal Force" that has been the source of all creation. Everything must conform to the parameters as created by this Force. This Force has been called by many names throughout time including the name "God".


  • "The Force" (God) has been known by many names throughout time, (and still is), including Jehovah, Yahweh, Allah, Satan, Cernunnos, Morrigan, Hecate, Mother Nature, etc. etc. etc. When you pray to a "particular" god, you are praying to a "particular aspect" of this "Force". That doesn't mean that individual gods and goddesses don't exist, we believe that they indeed do, but ultimately they are all emanations of the "Universal Force".


  • We believe that these individual gods and goddesses have Their own "area's of expertise", ie: different gods and goddesses govern different tasks, meaning that you can pray to a particular god or goddess for wealth and to a different one for health etc.


  • We believe that the so called "Old Gods" never ceased to exist, they were just "Demonised" by the onslaught of the new religion of the time called Christianity. These current "Pagan" Gods were then labelled by the Christian movement as so called "Demons" and "Devils", or in some cases were labelled as "Satan".


  • The word "Demon", although used by Christians and some others in a negative sense is in fact not a negative name at all. It originates from the Latin word "Daemon". "Daemon" is the Latin word for the ancient Greek word "Daimon", which originally referred to a lesser deity or guiding spirit.


  • We believe in a "Trinity of Faith". Look on faith as a triangle. At the top is the source of all things. In Hinduism this is called "Brahman". In some other religions they call this source "The Void". Coming from this triangle apex you have two sides or paths as we call it. The left hand path and the right hand path. These are known as right hand and left hand path religions. All paths however lead back to the source. Left hand path religions are those that involve what some would class as the occult and right hand path religions are those that are classed as a monotheistic religion, like Christianity or Islam. As we have stated below in our other tenets of faith, there is no light without the dark. The union of opposites is what makes the world go around! 


  • We believe that many of the so-called scriptures of the worlds religions offer excellent advice on morals and provide in many cases excellent guidelines on how to live ones life. 


  • So called " Light" and "Dark" exists in our world. You cannot possibly know what the difference or significance of each is without having fully studied both.


  • No "so-called" organised mainstream religion has the monopoly on the truth.


  • There exists a "Spirit Realm" that each and every one of us can encounter, if we allow ourselves to be open to such things, and if it suites us to explore such.


  • So-called Witchcraft/Sorcery does indeed work, and is a skill that is granted to the individual by "The Force". In other words it is very much a form of prayer.


  • "Nature" has made humanity the way we are. We should not believe that we are "sinful" or imperfect in any way.


  • Prayer to a god of your choice is a perfectly natural desire that should be embraced and not condemned. Each to their own.


  • To "love everyone", as some religious scriptures suggest (and their adherents advocate), is totally unnatural and goes totally against human nature. To try to do so can lead to psychological imbalance, which in turn can lead to both mental and physical illness.


  • Love and hate are an integral part of mankind's nature, and are two of the strongest emotions we can experience. Both should be embraced for what they are.


  • "Live and Let Live". Each of us should live our lives to the full in whatever way suits our desires providing of course that this respects the wishes of others.


  • "To turn the other cheek", as some religions advocate is again a totally unnatural thing to do. By doing such an unnatural thing you invite more abuse to come your way. If it suits you to back off from a confrontational situation then that is fine, but if it doesn't, then why should you? - Having said this, from a self preservation point of view (both physically and otherwise), turning the other cheek can be quite sound advice!


  • Vegetarianism or Veganism is a goal that all humans should aspire to and ultimately aim to achieve and maintain.


  • Each of us should respect the others choice of Faith (if any). When Jesus said (on numerous occasions) in The Christian Bible that we should "love your neighbour" we believe that He was referring to people who were of faith, regardless of what their "brand" of faith may be. He was not, in our opinion, referring to people in general. This makes far more sense. 


  • We are all on a journey. Where we are currently in terms of our Faith beliefs is where we are meant to be. A persons "current Faith status" can and in all probability will change. There is nothing wrong with that. Faith should be able to change and evolve, just like nature itself!

  • We believe that all religions are of benefit to those that believe in their Tenets of Faith, ie: their beliefs. There is no problem in this in our opinion, as all faiths are valid, providing of course that faith system does not advocate harm to others. We are all children of the same universe!

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